Requirements for serving at Breakaway: Love kids, attend volunteer training, commit the entire week, be livescanned (if 18+ years).

To learn more about the volunteer area, click on the position you're interested in.
Please note not all areas are available at every campus. 

4 Years through Kinder

1st - 6th Grade Areas

All Camp

As an Adult Small Group Leader in the C building for 4 year olds - Kindergarden, you will be the main leader of a group of kids for the 5 days of camp.

You will have one - two assistant small group leaders with you for the week to help you lead and guide the group throughout the camp. You will be responsible for the following:

·      Calling all kids in your group before camp starts to get them excited and get to know them

·      Arriving early for devotions and preparing your room for your group to arrive

·      Welcoming kids, organizing water bottles, etc.

·      Signing kids in and out each day (parents need to sign)

·      Signing kids in and out each day (parents need to sign)

·      Starting Opening Activity/Discussion

·      Guiding group to the different areas throughout the day and keeping everyone together

·      Guiding small group discussion based on curriculum and daily story

As an Adult Small Group Leader for a 1st-6th grade group, you will be the main leader of a group of kids for the 5 days of camp.

You will have two assistant youth leaders with you for the week to help you lead and guide the group throughout the camp. You will be responsible for the following:

·      Calling all kids in your group before camp starts to get them excited and get to know them

·      Arriving early for devotions and preparing your tent for your group to arrive

Your youth leaders can also help with the following: ·      Welcoming kids, organizing water bottles, etc.

·      Signing kids in and out each day (parents need to sign)

·      Starting Opening Activity/Discussion

·      Guiding group to the different areas throughout the day and keeping everyone together

·      Guiding small group discussion based on curriculum and daily story

As a Youth Small Group Leader for any age group, you will assist the Adult Small Group Leader in guiding the group of kids for the 5 days of camp.

All youth small group leaders must be going into 7th-12th grade in Fall 2017.

You will have an additional Assistant Small Group Leader as well. You will be responsible for the following in addition to anything the Adult Leader asks of you:

· Arriving early for devotions and preparing your tent for your group to arrive

· Welcoming kids, getting to know them, organizing water bottles

· Assisting in the Opening Activity and beginning discussion

· Keeping kids together throughout the different activities

· Picking up the snack for your group during snack time

· Assisting in clean up each day

Every volunteer deserves a little pick me up, and that is exactly what you’re there for! As a part of the Encouragement team, you will assist in making specialty treats for the volunteers, and you will walk them around the camp each day, encouraging the volunteers as you go along.

Similar to Encouragement, you get to be a part of preparing the food for the small groups who will come by and pick up their tray of snacks during their rotation.

You will assist the Team Lead in organizing, setting up, preparing, and packaging the snack each day of camp. Don’t be fooled, this is most people’s favorite part of camp because everyone loves food!

You will be a part of the Arts & Crafts area that each group attends throughout their daily rotation.

You will assist the Team Lead in setting up the crafts each day before the kids get there, help the kids when they come with their groups, reset in between rotations and clean up at the end of the day.

You might get your hands messy with paint, chalk or glue, but your job is to help the kids make some beautiful art and of course, have fun.

As a volunteer in First Aid, you will be positioned throughout the campus and on call for the duration of camp. You must be 21 or older and first aid certified.

You are the helping hand for pulling out slivers, passing out Band-Aids and aiding anyone who may get injured. Ice packs galore!

Recreation (1st-6th grade)

Sunshine, water games, zip-lines, and go-karts! As a part of the Recreation area, you will assist the Team Lead in setting up, tearing down, and helping the kids as they play on all the fun equipment we have out on the Rec field.

You will assist each kid as they come down in their groups throughout their rotation. You will assist kids as they venture through the obstacle course, get a ride on a go-kart, and slide down the water slide.

Probably the most important job of all, you will keep everyone safe while at Breakaway! You will be stationed around camp at all the entrances and in different areas to ensure every camper and volunteer is safe. Security volunteers must be 21 or older.

You will be on call throughout camp and run to the rescue whenever needed. You’re the reason we get to keep doing what we’re doing!

We have kids who come to our camp that may not experience camp the same way as everyone else because they get to have a friend travel along with them throughout the day, and that friend would be you! Some kids who come to Breakaway have Special Needs, and we set them up with a Special Needs Buddy.

As a Special Needs volunteer, you will be paired with a kid for the entirety of the week. You will travel through their rotation with them and their group, and assist them in anything specific they might need.

You will pay special attention to them and help them understand and learn throughout the week along with their peers.

Even and especially in the midst of the busyness of camp, we always want to remember to keep God at the center.

As a part of the prayer team at Breakaway, you get the opportunity to lift all the kids, volunteers and staff members up to God to welcome the Spirit into all that we do and be the advocates for those who need it here at Breakaway.

Walk around the campus gathering prayer requests from volunteers, and spend time in prayer with your team and God to lift up those prayers.

This age group is specifically for kids of parents who will be volunteering at Breakaway. It is a younger group, and your job will be to assist the Team Lead in taking care of the kids throughout the day.

This might include carrying babies, playing with toddlers, crawling around on the floor with them, etc.

As a part of the Utility team, you will be the deliverers of camp!

You will assist the Team Lead in answering radio calls to deliver ice, fix things that are broken or not working, and be a helping hand throughout camp. You will move throughout the campus to be there when anyone needs you.

Zone 56 is our recreation area for 5th and 6th graders only. This area is similar to recreation with a slight twist. It’s exclusivity gives you the special job of working with a smaller group of older kids.

You will assist the Team Lead in preparing any and all of the activities each day of camp, including set up and tear down. You will be there to play with the kids and help them have a fun time in their high-energy recreation area.

We always need some extra help in many different areas within the 4 years - Kinder camp area. If you know you want to serve with the little ones, but you just don't have a preference for which area, choose Wherever Needed, and we'll place you in an area that needs extra help. It will be either Recreation, Arts & Crafts or Playroom.

As a Youth Small Group Leader for any age group, you will assist the Adult Small Group Leader in guiding the group of kids for the 5 days of camp.

All youth small group leaders must be going into 7th-12th grade in Fall 2017. You must be 8th grade or older to serve as a 4th-6th grade leader.

You will have an additional Assistant Small Group Leader as well. You will be responsible for the following in addition to anything the Adult Leader asks of you:

· Arriving early for devotions and preparing your tent for your group to arrive

· Welcoming kids, getting to know them, organizing water bottles

· Assisting in the Opening Activity and beginning discussion

· Keeping kids together throughout the different activities

· Picking up the snack for your group during snack time

· Assisting in clean up each day

To help with the organization and clarification of tent assignments, locations of different things at camp, and helping people find their area, you get to be a part of the team with all the answers!

Our Admin Table team is split into 1st-2nd, 3rd-4th and 5th-6th Grade tables, where you will be placed at one table and help organize the clipboards for each group, manage volunteer pick up of the clipboards, and help with any group changes or camp questions to the best of your ability.

You will be a part of the Arts & Crafts area that each 4-Kinder group attends throughout their daily rotation.

You will assist the Team Lead in setting up the crafts each day before the kids get there, help the kids when they come with their groups, reset in between rotations and clean up at the end of the day.

You might get your hands messy with paint, chalk or glue, but your job is to help the kids make some beautiful art and of course, have fun.

Recreation for the younger kids is still just as exciting! They have a special area right outside the children’s building where you will be serving during camp.  

You will be involved in the set up, tear down and operation of different games and activities. There will be bouncy balls, obstacle courses, a couple days of water games, chalk and more for the little ones to play with. Your job will be to play with them, help them through different activities, and of course, have fun!

Our Road Warriors and greeters are some of the first contact people will make when they arrive for camp.

As a Road Warrior volunteer, you'll assist people with finding parking, helping them head in the right direction to drop off their kids, and be the first smiling face they'll see.

As a Greeter, you will be stationed at different entrance areas to welcome failies and kids to Breakaway camp, and help them find where they need to go.

Maybe you don't know where you'd like to serve or the area you were hoping for got filled up, but you still want to volunteer at Breakaway- Wherever Needed is the space for you!

We tend to need extra helping hands due to the size of our camps. Our wherever needed volunteers will be placed into spaces as needed, if needed, for the week of camp you registered for.

Help us with the construction of the Breakaway facade, set up, and even the tear down after camp.

If you're a handy person, we need you! This volunteer position will take place before and after camp as opposed to during camp. Dates and times will be announced once you've registered.

Be a part of our Breakaway Dance Team! Bring the energy and fun to rally each day of camp. As a Breakaway Dancer, you get to be on stage during the worship portion of Rally and encourage the kids to dance and sing to God.

This volunteer area may include extra required rehearsals outside of the weeks of Breakaway camps. If interested in this, please email the Breakaway team at the campus you're interested in serving at.

As an Adult Small Group Leader for a Kindergarten group, you will be the main leader of a group of kids for the 5 days of camp.

You will have 1-2 assistant youth leaders with you for the week to help you lead and guide the group throughout the camp. You will be responsible for the following:

. Calling all kids in your group before camp starts to get them excited and get to know them

. Arriving early for devotions and preparing your room for your group to arrive

. Your youth leaders can also help with the following:

. Welcoming kids, organizing water bottles, etc

. Signing kids in and out each day (parents need to sign)

. Starting Opening Activity

. Guiding group to the different areas throughout the day and keeping everyone together

. Guiding small group discussion based on curriculum and daily story

. Helping with snack