Orange County Campus

When is camp?

July 21st -25th  2025

Where is Breakaway Summer Camp?

Bayside Church - Orange County Campus
102 Baker St E, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

What age to kids have to be to attend camp?

Our camp is for 4 year olds through kids entering 6th grade in the fall.

When should I arrive?

Arrive 15 minutes prior to the start of camp. 

Where do I pick up my child?

Pick up and drop off will be at your child’s small group tent/area. Children may be in closing rally when you arrive. Please wait for your child to get back to his tent/area so you may sign him out. Children must be signed in AND out.

Can I pick up my friend’s kids?

Every parent will receive 4 security cards with their child’s unique security code. As long as you have this card, you may pick up your friend’s child.

Can my child with special needs come?

Absolutely! Just designate your child’s extra needs on the registration form, and our Special Needs Leader will contact you and match your child with a buddy.

Can I volunteer?

Please do! 7th graders through adults are welcome to fill out the volunteer link on the registration form. Live Scan fingerprinting is required in order to serve in any capacity at our Breakaway camps for adults 18+.

Where and when is Volunteer Training?

coming soon

Camp Snack Menu 2024

Camp Snack Menu - Coming soon


Camp is non-refundable.

Orange County Campus questions –